Fast forward to last night. Husband and I are getting dinner ready in the kitchen when all of a sudden I hear a CRASH followed by, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" UUUUUUGGGGHHHHHH, honestly some days I do not think I am going to survive getting the twins to adulthood . Yes, twinB had swung the lamp/censer into a door frame. The glass candle holder portion would no longer stay attached to the chains from which it would have hung.
I wish I could say I handled it better. That I was calm, understanding, and soothing, but I was pretty upset! Oh, did I mention that I had just gotten back from the store with the hardware to hang the lamp in our Icon corner?!
Here's where the story takes an up swing. As I was going to sleep last night I realized I could crochet with wire a sort of basket to hold the glass portion to its chains. So, I got up in the morning and did just that. I went to hang it up, but it didn't look quite right. It was hanging to high. But wait! I have wire and the perfect beads to string on the wire. I was able to extend the length of the chain with a beautiful string of beads.
I placed a candle in it, lit it, and stood back. As, I took in the scene I realized something. Aren't we like this lamp? Cracked and broken, sometimes by people who don't even mean to. Then God comes, He doesn't just fix us like we were before. The damage is still there, but under His loving hand we become more. More than we ever were before.
I called my son into the room. "Son, I was able to fix the lamp. See, no harm done." Son, "Mom, you are so creative!"
Now I have a cheap broken hanging candle holder that is more precious to me than anything else in the Icon corner. I also have a restored relationship with my son.
that was beautiful. I *love* that you could fix it by making a new chain.